Of fate and of destiny; what is it to be? Applied to us humans they do have much relevance, even though it might not matter if we live and end our futile lives not knowing of their existence or their meaning. Because how often do we speak of destiny, when it is really fate we are dealing with, because it is the case that we often confused the two, probably believing them to be interchangeable. But let us be clear and accurate when we speak of a means to and end, in the full knowledge that the two are very different things. Even as it is the case that it is only fate which offers us the chance, if you will, however small or great, of having some influence over the path, pace and timing of the fulfilment of our destiny. A destiny which is common to all humans, even to all living species. Whereas destiny represents the end, even of hope, both real and false. The unconscious, unthinking, irretrievable ending self, of er...