
Showing posts from March 6, 2016

Yes, We are Twits and We Love Twittering!

Here are some Twits feeding, and behaving as they are wont to do. I enjoyed observing them; see what you make of them.

Can Some African Countries Escape the Virulence of 'Tribalistic' Governments?

Africa, it seems, is cursed by the destructive tribal and/or ethnic factors which are at play in the governments of some of the Continent's governments. This is the case amongst the territorially and/or demographically largest as well as the smallest countries. We see tribal and ethnic factors at play in large countries such as South Africa, Nigeria,  and the Central African Republic, and we see them in smaller countries such as Libya, Mali, and the newly created South Sudan. Whereas social and class statuses are used in more developed countries, some lesser developed African countries are stratified along ethnic, 'tribal', and religious lines as well.  All countries, whether developed or lesser developed, have established factors which determine their citizens' standing in the social, economic, political and ethnic pecking order. Probably the main difference between the social order in some African countries and their European and more westernise counter-parts, ...

The Gathering of The Chattering Magpies.

This is a video of several Magpies congregating in a tree to have a meet up. See what you make of it, and, hopefully, getting some satisfaction from watching it. OneWorldOneHumanRaceOneDestiny!

Japan's Earthquake and Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: The Elements at War with Humans?

It has now been 5 years since the terrible earthquake in Japan, which led to the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and, as can be expected, the people of Japan are still coming to terms with the impact of both the nuclear meltdown and the earthquake. Japan has had the misfortune of also being the only country to suffer the dire consequences of having not one, but two nuclear bombs being deliberately dropped on it during the Second World War.  The Fukushima nuclear disaster might not have been as catastrophic as that of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, but its impact on the people affected by it and the poignancy of the extra brave and courageous workers who have to put their lives at additional risk of imminent self-sacrifice, to contain the danger, would be of similar magnitude. Before we had Japan earthquake and Fukushima disaster, there was the catastrophic 2004Tsunami in the Indian Ocean, which caused massive damage in lost lives and property to the surrounding affected countr...