Which is why, to me, it seems much more likely that the 'human right which we should all aspire to have and be respected by the respective countries in which we live. Are rights which are predicated on political, social and cultural prerogatives. They are not divine and inalienable rights, because there is likely to be factors, whether people, inadequate power and resources, prevent us from exercising. Whether it is the 'right' to freedom of thought, or speech, to life, housing, food, water, to not being stateless, et al. There is the problem of what should be done by others, if a given country, tribe, or ethnic group is depriving one of their citizens of group of citizens of their basic assumed rights. Such as is reported to be the case in China, with the Chinese government reportedly denying the Uighur people living in Xinjiang Province, of what I would characterise as their basic reasonable human rights. Rights which are not, it would seem, codified into...