There would or should be less chances of cues being missed, gestures not being noticed and what is being said and how it was said, not being completely or accurately understood. Having a system of two workers visiting is a good, if not excellent way of protection the child, the family and the workers. Why? Well, it is because, if the social workers and social work staff perform their duties robustly, as well as ethically. If they are, by virtue of two workers visiting and supporting each other, empowered to appropriately confront and challenge what is being said by members of the child's family. Then, they can make better assessments and conclusions about what is taking place in the family. Enabling a better evaluation of what is it about the dynamics and functioning of the child and the family. That reduces and/or increases the assessed risk to the child/ren. This kind of 'co-worker visiting' arrangement will also enable the ...