Ah, it is the case that we, we who are of a conscientious nature or disposition, are tasked to go about our daily lives being more mindful of our impact on the earth. Of how minimalistic we can be, while still enjoying the journey of life as much as we can. Being mindful of the fact that living and life is also about the quality of the experience, a nd not just or even about how much we can consume. While leaving others, present and in the future, to be inconvenienced, and/or avoidably harmed by our thoughtlessness, our, it does not matter or I do not care attitude. If, indeed, we can even be bothered to think about how what we are about to do, can, could, will have an adverse impact on our, other's ecosystem. If we can be bothered to give a damn, as it were. Now, I know only too well that it is not easy for us to change our bad habits, even when we are aware of their adverse impact on us, others and the environment. Yes, change is a p...