Of course, not being a woman, much less or more, the 'average woman', I cannot really know if the 'average woman' feels comfortable in her 'own skin.' Which is why this post is really just a thought. It is a thought based on my observations of women and having listened to and engaging them in conversations over the years. The conclusion I have come to, is that no, the 'average woman' does not feel comfortable in her own skin. Truth to tell, she might not even really knows what her own skin is or ought to be. She might, it seems to me, be aspiring to acquire the idealised skin which she has been conditioned, nurtured by her own kind, yes, other women, and by society -for which we could substitute the the media, the advertising industry, the music industry, and the repository of what womanhood, again, preceding generations of women, poetry about women, and religious texts - decreed that it ought to be. Yes, from what I have observed an...