Getting a clearer view of corruption? The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, has recent forcefully stuffed both his feet into his, admittedly, big mouth, by telling the Queen and the Archbishop, and, unbeknown to him at the time, the world, that Nigeria and Afghanistan are the most fantastically corrupt countries. Naturally, the Nigerians were not happy, and their President, Muhammed Buhari, suggested that Britain should return the proceeds of corruption from London back to Nigeria. The Afghans, it seemed, were not as offended as the Nigerians, with their President indicating that his country does accept that corruption is a problem in his country, but that it is something they are working hard to address. It would not be going to far to argue that corruption, whether it be that pertaining to money and or resources being rendered or given to someone or a business, in order for the giver and the receiver to acquire some dishonest or illegal advantage, or in situa...