One should not willingly gives up their freedom and liberty. In order to make a first hand enquiry into what the 'absence of freedom' and the 'absence of liberty', both being, of course, relative states, look and feel like. So, it is only, in my view, the misguided and gullible fundamentalists, of all religions, who would welcome the coming of the so-called 'end days.' If Donald John Trump is from God, who, arguably, if meant to be a sentient all powerful deity, self-evidently does not exist. Then, his, DJT's coming and message, is certainly not meant to bring 'peace and joy to the world.' Arguably, it could bring peace, for examply, by helping to bring about the extinction of all human, and, yes, other primates' life from the world. But, certainly, not 'joy to the world', the feeling of joy, euphoria, is something which has to felt by sentient beings. So, if Donald J Trump and his message is not from God...