Irrespective of whether it is secular political 'isms', such as idealism, communism, or socialism. Or religious isms, such as Hinduism, Catholicism, Islamism, Sikhism, Judaism, Buddhism, et al. All tend to based on a fair amount of 'dogma.' So, what could be said of, if not about idealism, if not that it is the pursuit of the unobtainable, the unrealisable? At least, in the sense that the 'victory' or 'success', can be consciously experienced by the devotee. Should we not see idealism as the pursuit of a, if not the state of perfection? Of the ideal state of being someone, or something? Of course, while it might be improbable, but certainly possible, for an ideal to be achieved. It is likely to be quite another thing for it to be maintained, to be kept in motion, as it were. It is both realistic and feasible to wage war on hunger, poverty, illiteracy and certain diseases in a given country or a region of a country. ...