
Showing posts from March 27, 2016

Quiet Contemplation

Today I am having a lovely day with some members of my family, reflecting on good and sad days and times we have shared, as we contemplate the future and hope that fate will bless us - and you - with more good days than bad. It is a sunny day where we are at present, and, as many of us know, for those of us who live in the northern hemisphere, the Sun is not only a life giver which helps our food to grow, mature and ripen, but it also fills our heart with a certain enthusiasm for life; making us, probably, think it is a day for living and not dying. Anyway, just before mid-morning I decided to go for a walk in the woods nearby by where I am spending a few days - Rocky Grove, I think it is called - and was able to do some quiet contemplation as I absorb the life around me. Now, this woodland is not very big, but it has a character and habitat which is unique to it. I was blessed to hear and see the fauna and flora around me. A small variety of bird species, including crows, ...

South Africa, Brazil - Can Brics Achieve its Potential?

Navigating the tides of conflict? South Africa and Brazil are large and influential countries with lots of resources and developmental and leadership potential. Unfortunately, both countries face massive challenges in satisfactorily dealing with the endemic poverty, inadequate social infrastructure, and economic inequalities which are characteristic of even the richest countries, such as the US. On top of these disadvantages, South Africa and Brazil are currently having to address serious and damaging questions about the impact of corruption on both their governments and some of their large industries. The government of Brazil is under increasing and powerful attack about alleged corruption, with President Rousseff Dilma's position appearing to be rather precarious, as both those who support the her government and those who oppose it lock horns in a struggle, the outcome of which could go either way, but could also result in the fall of Dilma's government. This would be a...

Mosque as The West's Achiles Heel?

A different perspective from a different vantage point. The Mosque is one of the most venerable establishment within Islam, and Muslims, like the adherents of any other religions, can be expected to take pride in their mosque. Mosques can be grand, magnificent  and awe-inspiring buildings, comparable with the best of Cathedrals in Christendom. Nobody should take any issue with Islam about Muslim faithful gathering in their mosques and giving praise to Allah and carrying out other compatible activities for the benefit of the faithful and the community within which they live. However, it does seem to be the case that, at least some mosques have a tradition of being used as a politico-religious centres of learning for a brand of Islam which is not compatible with the promotion of mutual co-existence between peoples of all faiths - including those not adhering to any religious faiths - and ethnic origins. In other words, there are people within these establishments who are mot...

L:ife Is A Journey Of Fate!

Life is a journey which we all take travelling on the train of time and light. With each of us having to disembark wherever our fate decrees. In the wider scheme of things it does not matter at what point each or any of us exit the train or light of time, unless we are 'history makers' and has the good or misfortune of being denied the opportunity to make such history. Of course, for those of us who believes in fate, it is impossible for anybody to really disembark from the train of time before his or her time. This journey begins at birth and consciously ends at death, unless you believe in life after death; which remains largely unproven. Whatever good or ill you do only has relevance for the living, unless a fateful action or omission you perpetrate, were to untimely rob the world of some fateful soul. It seems to me that it make eminent good sense to strive to do as much good as you can, and have as much enjoyment and satisfaction as you are able to, before you ret...


Statue of Roman Centurion at Bath, UK For some time now, some people who, it appears, are particularly susceptible to shallow analysis of their subject matter, the concept of 'cultural appropriation' has been given prominence. Most recently, there has been a video on Face Book, depicting the unedifying spectacle of a black student in an American university challenging a fellow white student about his choice of hair-style or culture. The white student, probably quite happily going about his business and maintaining his focus on learning, as the black student should also be doing, has had to contend with the indignity of being challenged about, of all things, his hairstyle, which, I suspect, was not on the curriculum. It seems that the black student took exception with a white student having dreadlocks. He is white and is not worthy of having this perceived badge of 'black pride.' So, what is all this debate about 'cultural appropriation', which seems to s...

Squirrels At Play

This is a short video of a few squirrel having their morning play or keep fit exercise. Take a look! OneWorldOneHumanRaceOneDestiny


Strive to find your own truth, in your search for fulfillment, and do not allow the 'truths' of others to become your own, unless you have rigorously interrogated them and find them acceptable. Religion is a destructive force in the employ of ignorant and evil people. Once again, innocent people in Pakistan have been targeted by evil and ignorant people who have conspired to kill and injure scores of them, using religious belief as a pretext for the mass killing of innocents. Religious extremism and intolerance, it appears, continues to blight the lives of innocent people all over the world, and no were more so than in the less develop and poverty stricken countries and regions. There is enmity between Christians and some Muslims in Pakistan, which, granted, is a bit more tolerant than some Islamic countries in the Middle East, which does not allow any other faiths to exist or strive.  Christians, it seems, cannot feel safe in some parts of Pakistan, because ...

Theistic Religons and God: Should Believers Question the Messengers More? Part2

Today, millions of Christians all over the world will be going to their churches to pray and celebrate their belief that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and ascended up to Heaven. Many might not even take this as an opportunity to question whether it really is possible for anybody to rise from the dead, unless he/she was not really dead, or give a thought to the billions of people who have already died and failed to rise from the dead.   Of course, this is also a question which some of the authors and inspirators of the Christian religion have pre-empted, and provided a convenient answer, namely that that everybody else would have to wait until Judgement Day, as Jesus is only demonstrating the process by which this feat of being resurrected can be achieved. At the end of my blog post, entitled, Theistic religions and God: should believers question the messengers more?, which I posted on 20/03/2016, I posed the following: So, would there be no place for churches in our...