Quiet Contemplation

Today I am having a lovely day with some members of my family, reflecting on good and sad days and times we have shared, as we contemplate the future and hope that fate will bless us - and you - with more good days than bad. It is a sunny day where we are at present, and, as many of us know, for those of us who live in the northern hemisphere, the Sun is not only a life giver which helps our food to grow, mature and ripen, but it also fills our heart with a certain enthusiasm for life; making us, probably, think it is a day for living and not dying. Anyway, just before mid-morning I decided to go for a walk in the woods nearby by where I am spending a few days - Rocky Grove, I think it is called - and was able to do some quiet contemplation as I absorb the life around me. Now, this woodland is not very big, but it has a character and habitat which is unique to it. I was blessed to hear and see the fauna and flora around me. A small variety of bird species, including crows, ...