As sentient and, for most of us probably most of the times, compassionate humans, it is not surprising that we should express our compassion and concern for other less fortunate humans in great numbers. We do not like to see people being harmed, being oppressed or exploited, so, when we see this happening, we tend to make much ado of it. We demand that our government does something about it. Take some action to end it, and to do so immediately or as quickly as possible. We have seen this over the ages, probably especially since the 1960s, whether it be the Vietnam War, the Liberation wars in Southern Africa, the independence struggles in the former British and French colonies in Africa and the Middle East, or, more recently, the Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Israel/Palestine conflicts. Sane people do not take pleasure in people dying and being maimed, even when they are devils like the followers of Daesh/Isil. And even in situations where we apparently contradict ...