So, what do us humans desire, aspire towards most? Is it to be able to have enough to eat and drink, and a comfortable place to sleep and live in? Yes, no! Might it then be to have a job, any job, or, where there are loads of jobs to be had, to get the best job we are able to get, whatever that is? Or might it be to be able to stay healthy, where we are already in good health. Or, should we be unfortunate enough to be enduring poor health, to acquire good health? Yes, probably. However, if, like the Americans, we are blessed, probably, with the dubious but grandiose Constitutional proclamation about the 'pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.' Then, our aspirations might be more than striving for the basics in life on the hierarchy of needs tree. Of course, it might be the case that, for many, if not most of us humans, having access to the basics is enough to make us 'happy.' After all, there is really no denying the evi...