
Showing posts from April 17, 2016


A s I see it, only humans can or should have human rights, and that should not apply to Anders Breivik, the psychotic monster who mercilessly slaughtered 77 young Norwegians and injured many others. A n Oslo Court has recently found that this human imposter is being "kept in inhuman and degrading" conditions and that his 'human rights' were being 'violated,' because of his confinement. T his is massively ridiculous, seeing it is quite impossible to breach rights which the human imposter has forfeited due to his inhuman crimes which led to him violating the human rights of, not one, not two, or 20, but 77 young people.  By this imposter arguing that his confinement is not allowing him to associate with other inmates, he is displaying gross ignorance, or, more likely, devious manipulation of and disrespect for Norwegian state and its institutions, since he would have kn own that only similar p...

Death of a Prince

Prince died suddenly on 21st April 2016, under circumstances which still do not properly explain the cause or causes of his death. Like the sudden death of that other icon, Michael Jackson, we shall have to await the outcome of the post mortem to find out what killed the Prince as the comparatively young age of 57, thereby depriving the world of his musical and entertaining genius. How ironic that the death of this man, this genius, should have brought millions all over the world to express their joy in having heard his music and seen him entertaining audiences all over the world, and, at the same time mourn his sad loss? The Prince has gone to a world where all living souls go at the end of their mortal lives; oblivion. Long may the reign of the Prince's musical and entertaining genius last. Drift on, O Prince, even as we mourn for you, now, and for our own demise, anticipatorily. OWOHROD

President Obama is right: Britain Should Remain in the EU

We go back a long way; stay with me So, there is much ado about President Obama coming to Britain and expressing his view that the country should remain in the EU. Frankly, I cannot see any valid argument against the POTUS arguing for Britain to remain; I would go so far as to say it is the only logical option for Britain at present. What sense could it make for Britain to leave the European Union; which is not to say there is nothing wrong or dysfunctional with the EU?  Yes, it could be described as a cancer eating up everything it comes into contact with, national sovereignty and National autonomy, national expression of 'democracy', accountability, free trade, etc, but guess what? It is top dog in Europe and it is still busy cartelising the rest of Europe, after which it will doubtlessly find some way of making states outside of Europe 'associate members' of itself. Of course the EU, if it continues to grow and become more of a political union, will prob...

The Setting Sun

A view of the Setting Sun and its effect on the sky and land, as seen from a garden. OWOHROD


T oday is Her Majesty's 90th birthday, with her having apparently spent 64 years on the Throne of Britain. She is, even on her 90th year on the earth, blessed with good health and still has reasonably good mobility. She is loved by probably most of her British subjects and millions around the world. I do not believe in a sentient god so I cannot ask such an entity to bless Her Majesty; especially as there is so much evidence that she is a blessed woman. H er Majesty has two children, many grandchildren and even more great grandchildren. She will, today, continue to be the longest serving English Monarch, although, just what that means in contemporary 21st Century society is quite debatable. As I see it, for decades Her Majesty has been a figure head of the British State, with no effective power, as can be surmised from the fact that there seems to be no or little evidence of her having challenged anything which her many governments have proposed and impl...


This is a video of a trip I made to Chase Waters; have a look at it and see what you make of it.


Many people will know of the story about the dog with the bone, who, while crossing a bridge over a river, looked down at the running water below and saw what he thought was a dog with a bigger bone, and made the decision to drop his and jumped into the river to retrieve the bigger bone, only to find that it has disappeared. How was this dog to know that what it saw was only the reflection of the bone it grasped in its mouth, and that its aspiration for what it thought would have been an easier route to a bigger bone would have resulted in it losing what it had and ending up empty handed? And so we have a similar situation  with the Brexiters arguing that Britain would be much better off by letting go of her end of the EU pie, as they cross the Bridge of Prosperity or Austerity, and jump into the River of the Unknown, in search of the Route of Plenty. My guiding premis when it comes to politician is that they are not trustworthy and should not be trusted. That there are ...

Having a Swannaver Time as Chase Waters

Two short short videos of swans enjoying  lovely sunny Sunday on the waters of Chase Waters, Staffs., UK. OWOHROD


Good support is needed to stay safe in perilous times. As I see it, Islam, like other religions which people living in the West are following, has an equal right to be followed by its adherents. However, the version of Islam which is being followed in the west, in countries in Europe, North and South America and the West Indies, needs to be a religion which respects the other religions of the west and treats everybody, men and women as equals. It should not, neither should the governments of these countries allow it to treat women and people who are not Muslims as unequals, and refer to them in pejorative terms, such as 'Kafirs', or be allowed to incite 'jihads.' Guided as they are by the Quran, the Muslims living in the west would, of course, have to revise the Quran, as it would be hypocritical to expect them to treat the people of other faiths and women as equals, when their holy Quran is telling them not to do so.  Of course, revising the Quran could and pro...


Watching the opposition and staying focus? There is a lot more work for Bernie Sanders and his supporters to do in the campaign for the nomination to become the next presidential candidate, such as surpassing Hillary Clinton's purported lead in the number of primary delegates, but for now, Bernie and his supporters are busy transforming American electoral politics. Bernie and his supporter are on the march; on a journey which they and many others, both in the United States and around the world - as it was with Barak Obama - are hoping will take Bernie to the White House and make him the next president of that country. One of the aspects of Bernie Sanders presidential campaign is the fact that he and his supporters are unapologetically campaigning for policies which meets the definition of 'being socialist' or 'socialistic' in their nature. Thus he is arguing for state provided education and health care for the masses, and he is arguing, proposing changes...

Evening tide over Walsall

Short video of the heavenly scene from Walsall OWOHROD


From up here I can have different perspectives and options, but I need the freedom to choose. So, let us talk religion. If one has the choice about which religion he/she follows, I wonder which one of the many religions they would follow? The choices are many. There is Christianity, of which there are many versions. We have the Anglican, the Catholic, the Pentacostalist, the Orthodox religions of the Middle East, Russia and the Mediterranean, the TV evangelist, and the various other independent religious establishments scattered around the world. You could also choose from Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Judaism, worshipping your ancestors, paganism, or atheism. And, finally, you could choose Islam and become a Muslim. So, which religion would you be most likely to choose, if you were to be given relevant information on all or most of them, and the freedom to choose which you follow, without being in any way persecuted for your choice. Would it be Sikhism, with its marshal un...