A s I see it, only humans can or should have human rights, and that should not apply to Anders Breivik, the psychotic monster who mercilessly slaughtered 77 young Norwegians and injured many others. A n Oslo Court has recently found that this human imposter is being "kept in inhuman and degrading" conditions and that his 'human rights' were being 'violated,' because of his confinement. T his is massively ridiculous, seeing it is quite impossible to breach rights which the human imposter has forfeited due to his inhuman crimes which led to him violating the human rights of, not one, not two, or 20, but 77 young people. By this imposter arguing that his confinement is not allowing him to associate with other inmates, he is displaying gross ignorance, or, more likely, devious manipulation of and disrespect for Norwegian state and its institutions, since he would have kn own that only similar p...