The Don has taken power; power to the Don, as he eases himself noisily and ominously into the White House, the seat of power of, it is often stated, the world's most powerful country and man. Yes, powerful man, because this almost sacrosanct mansion, from which the plantation of the United States is governed, and is, effectively, forbidden to any female. The nearest any woman has gotten to the ultimate seat of American power, has been to become 'First Lady', and Secretary of State. This fact, the world's so-called greatest 'democracy' shares with the most retrograde and conservative countries and dictatorships in the world. And, as The Don secretes himself upon the Throne of Destiny, making it into almost a lair, instead of a place of hope and enlightened aspiration for all, more than half of the American population are affected with anxiety attack, and even more of the world's population. Notwithstanding the fact that The Don has been very clear ...