Similarly, if one is able to use such means to 'control the minds of humans', as it were, and get them to perform good deeds. Then what is to prevent such means being also used to 'control the minds of humans' and get them to do 'evil deeds'? The answer, we probably all know, is, nothing, because we have seen it in practice. We have seen the thousands of Muslims who have been slaughtered by Daesh renegades, and the even many more millions, whose lives have been made a misery and/or destroyed by Daesh, Al Queda, the Taliban, and the religious bigots in parts of Pakistan. It might qualify as a lesser evil, if fraudulent, deceptive and oppressive religious doctrines could be used to tame the murderous hearts of Daesh and other religious anachronists. But, I fear that it stands no chance of success. Because these are people who are far removed from the image of ordinary humans, guided by the principles of what is most enjoyable about a...