It is probably often the case that we do not directly acknowledge and give praises to people enough when they are alive and are able to benefit from our positive feelings towards them. Such were and are still my thoughts this morning, when my esteemed partner entered the room and calmly instructed me to 'put your feet here.' Gesturing towards her thigh, as she sat down on the chair opposite me. Uh, I thought, with the appropriately puzzled look on my face. I did not have to be in anyway apprehensive or worried, as she set about 'anointing' my very dry and unhealthy looking feet with the Nivea Cream. It transpired that my beloved had seen how terrible my feet were looking, When she first entered the room. So, when she left and then came back, equipped to 'do something about them.' It was not the first time she had 'anointed my feet', but her act of compassion again reminded me of her love for me, and of why I love her as much as I do. So, as I sing ...