
Showing posts from April 3, 2016


A deceptive appearance of tranquility? Well, how are the mighty and the powerful fallen? Lowly and shamefully, it appears, if we are to believe the PA and BVI revelations.  David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, the former Icelandic Prime Minister, and, we are informed by the Panama Papers disclosures, at least 147 world leaders and other politicians, as well as numerous rich and powerful people, have been burnt by these disclosures, and those pertaining to the British Virgin Islands. There has been a veritable war on corruption, war on tax evasion and avoidance, war on doping, and , most probably, a war on the people who are leading these wars.  We have been hearing alot about governments taking steps to 'close tax dodging and avoidance loopholes', and many of us will doubtlessly have wondered as to how effective those steps can be, when they would in effect be targeting the very people - powerful politicians and the business elites, who are benefiting from said ...

Two short videos of Baby Robins.

These are two very short video of some baby robins waiting to be tended by their parents. Have a look!


Strong protection - Castle in Wales -UK As I see it, people are motivated by many things, with the motivators being different in kind and/or intensity, at given points or stages in each person's life. We are, of course, all motivated by our basic needs, such as the need for food, warmth, shelter, good health, and protection from dangers, whether from our fellow humans, dangerous animals, or from environmental hazards.  From this, it can been deduced that our basic needs are our most important motivators, which is something we have in common with probably every other living animal.  This motivation to meet or have our basic needs satisfied, is really the expression of our need to survive; both as individuals, families, ethnic groups, and, at a macro level, as a specie.  Which, again, is probably no different from any other living organism.  The apparent, although probably not proven difference between human beings and other higher order primates, and, say, tho...


Looking ahead The astonishing success of both the West Indies men and women cricketers, in winning the Twenty20 Championships in India, has brought much joy to the people of the West Indian islands, and to cricket lovers all over the world. Long gone are the days when the West Indies cricket team was the top playing cricket team, with such masters of the sport as Gordon Greenidge, Rohan Kanhai, Kallicharan, Clive Lloyd, Andy Roberts, Viv Richards, Michael Holding, Joel Garner, Malcolm Marshall, Colin Croft, Chanderpaul, Curtley Ambrose, et al, et al. More recently we have had Brian Lara breaking records after record. and even more recently, Gayle doing thrilling things with his bat.  However, for too many years now, except for the occasional spectacular wins such as the one on Sunday, the once great West Indian cricket team has been only a poor shadow of its former glorious self. So, when the current team feast cricket fans with performance such as it displayed on Sunday...


Not having wings has not prevented us from achieving flight. For probably most people, having 'a good education' is or can be one of the most effective means of escaping a life of poverty and drudgery. 'A good education' not only helps a person to dream of a better life, but it can also bestow on that person the confidence to have other dreams which take him/her onto other levels, where the focus on 'self' can be extended to or be replaced with a focus on 'others.' I am reminded of the Aga Khan Foundation, which has become a renown foundation for helping people in lesser developed countries in Africa and other regions, including building and running hospitals. So, if you are not blessed, or, as others might consider it, cursed, with the privilege of being born in a filthy rich family, who can set you up to have a life of prosperity or luxury, your next best chance of having such a life could be dependent on your chances of being provided with an...


Ones perspective is influenced by whether they are the observers or the observed! In January 2009, when Israel and the Palestinians were engaged in another of their vicious and unevenly matched wars, I posted the following blog, which, at the time, was reflective of my perspective on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Since then, we have had the 2014 Israeli invasion of Gaza, in what was then called "Operation Protective Edge", and, more recently, we have been having copy-cat random stabbing attacks by Palestinians, on mostly innocent Israeli citizens, with the Israeli Government responding with what appears to be a policy of killing all the attackers. At the same time, IS, the so-called Islamic State or Caliphate, has expanded its bloody campaigns to Europe, with attacks being carried out in America, Britain and mainland Europe. All of these events giving renewed impetus for reviewing the relationship between the citizens and the state, including considering the ex...

The Celebratory Meal!

So, there we were, all 5 of a group of 11 or so of us trooping somewhat apprehensively into this  Pub for what we anticipated would be a lovely meal to celebrate one of our colleague's Birthday. No sooner had we arrived and greeted the members of the group who were already there, than all of us were doing an about turn and heading back the way we came. Somewhat surprised at this unexpected end to a meal I, we, had not even had as yet, I inquired as to the reason for us leaving prematurely, and was told that a decision had been made that we should go to the restaurant opposite the Pub, as the atmosphere in the latter was too noisy and busy. Well, what could I say, having already prepared myself for a lovely and exotic Indian cuisine, and now having to leave suddenly; still hungry, but also with my money in pocket to soften this unexpected blow to my stomach. And so we now trooped to the restaurant across the road, a certain Anna's Restaurant, in Croydon. Anna's, ...