A deceptive appearance of tranquility? Well, how are the mighty and the powerful fallen? Lowly and shamefully, it appears, if we are to believe the PA and BVI revelations. David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, the former Icelandic Prime Minister, and, we are informed by the Panama Papers disclosures, at least 147 world leaders and other politicians, as well as numerous rich and powerful people, have been burnt by these disclosures, and those pertaining to the British Virgin Islands. There has been a veritable war on corruption, war on tax evasion and avoidance, war on doping, and , most probably, a war on the people who are leading these wars. We have been hearing alot about governments taking steps to 'close tax dodging and avoidance loopholes', and many of us will doubtlessly have wondered as to how effective those steps can be, when they would in effect be targeting the very people - powerful politicians and the business elites, who are benefiting from said ...