Probably no commentary is needed here? If only us humans could focus on being the best we can, in being humans, not in another life, but in this one; the one we are having and is certain of. If only we were able to not deceive ourselves into believing that the gods we have created, really requires anything of us, other than that we should live happily and pleasurably during the time allotted to us. Obvious as this might be to those of us who value our rationality, it is not so to others, and so the competition, instead of the cooperation, in most of what we do, continue. And so we have political parties in each country, proclaiming that they are going to or are doing this and that for their supporters and their country, while they constantly differentiate between their values and policies. Thus implying their differences, with no mention of their commonalities, except at times of tragedies, when they might share their grief, and speak of how they all want the best for all, th...