
Showing posts from December 8, 2019


But all of that is not of much concern today. As I come across one of the regular anglers who patiently go about their indulgence in fishing in the canal.  Of course, there is not much to be said about anglers, unless you happen to be another angler, after you have commented on their conviction to this pastime.   And the contemplative and actual pleasure they much be getting out this pursuit. I did not spend much time engaging this angler; in fact, it was more like a cursory greeting and a how is it going.  As I did not want to become a source of distraction for the fish, or annoyance for the angler.  So I wished him well and continued my walk, which brought me probably as much pleasure and relaxation as he, hopefully, was getting out of endeavouring to catch some fish. Notwithstanding this, it was one of the highlights of my morning stroll along the canal.  Interacting, however briefly, with another member of my species, and no...


Or with young mothers pushing their babies or toddlers in buggies. As well as runners training, and trekking parties, occasionally.  Although Canal boats are moored at a few points along the different branches of the Canals, the number of Canal Boats moving along it are not many.  Less often, in fact, very rarely do I come across children or teenagers using the Canal, however sunny and beautiful the weather happens to be.  I am often reflecting on how under-appreciated and under-used is this beautiful, inspiring and historical resource.  Life so many hard-erned resources, the canals have fallen out of favour and are taken for granted, even by those who are aware of their existence.  People, including the younger generations, prefer to spend their time preoccupied with novelty and addictive pull of the virtual world.  Preoccupied with accessing the social media through their smart phones. Virtual reality, it seems, is, for some people...