
Showing posts from May 22, 2016


ශ්රී ලංකා V එංගලන්තය - එකවර එකම පිළිබඳ වැඩි විස්තර හෝ වටිනා තරග śrī laṁkā V eṁgalantaya - ekavara ekama piḷiban̆da væḍi vistara hō vaṭinā taraga England has rolled over Sri Lanka in the First Test with surprising ease, with Sri Lanka doing something to which the West Indies Test team has become accustomed to doing over the past several years; namely to show themselves as being chronically brittle in their cricketing performance. Whether or not it has been the weight of the expectation of confronting an English test team which has been displaying commendable competence and consistency over the past several years, which has accounted for the collapse of the Sri Lankans in the First Test is not clear, but it is to be hoped that they will show greater determination and success in making a contest of the Second Test. As I write, England is progressing towards 300 runs for 5 wickets, which, all things being equal, could possibly see them making upwards of 400-500 runs. Th...

Another Short Video of Llanberis

This is yet another short video taken during a short break in Llanberis, Wales, UK This one is of a view across Llyn Paris. Enjoy the beauty of the hills, the verdant greenery and the calm of the Lake waters, if you will.


The launch of the Roy Anthony Reid Foundation The life and times of Roy Anthony Reid  will have alot of commonality for those who have come to know and shared it, during the just 50 odd years which the gods have decreed that he should spend with them, before calling time on Roy on that shocking and sad day in October 2014.  That was when they were forced to cope with the realization that, henceforth, Roy would only live in the poignant and happy memories they would continue to have of him. Probably most or all the people who have had the good fortune of spending time with and sharing the life of Roy Anthony Reid, would describe him as a quiet, kind, respectful, probably a bit introverted, and thoughtful person.  You might also say Roy was a 'thinking person's' man.  One of those people who, without being obvious, is observing what is happening around them and taking note of and analysing it. Roy was a man who dressed well and was not into being pretentious o...

Our Garden in Late May

This is a video showing further changes in our garden, as Summer progressed.  See what you make of it.


Rafting on Jamaica's Rio Grande I could have titled this post, 'are you the master of your own destiny', but I have decided not to do so, as my current operational philosophy is based on the premis that the destiny of all living souls or creatures is to return to oblivion, by way of death. This is where our fate will eventually lead us. Sometime ago, I wrote a post warning of the danger of being deceived by the 'deceivers', whether they are selling religion, physical goods, or 'get rich quick' formulas. If we are to believe - which is what all 'deceivers' want their 'targets' to do - then all we have to do is to convince ourselves of the 'scientific' or mathematical nature of their 'formulas', and then apply it rigorously and consistently, and, hey presto, as the saying goes, we will be transformed into becoming  the Trumps, Soroses and Bill Gates of this world. But, I ask myself, is it really as straightforward as th...


Made a sojourn to Birmingham, Britain's second largest city, today, and stopped off at Tapas Revolution to have a delicious and snacky meal.  Had, as you can see, skewered seasoned chicken with mint sauce and Tapas' own delicious and aromatic lemonade. Although there was not much of it, it, it being, as I have noted, snacky, it was certainly very tasty and enjoyable. Another positive is the fact that, although you will enjoy it, it certainly is not going to cause or add to any weight problem you might have or fear. Live and eat healthily and place yourself in a good position to participate in and enjoy life more fully. If you are in Birmingham, you might want to check out Tapas Revolution on the first floor of Grand Central. The staff, the food and the setting and ambience are cool and complementary of the whole experience


Birmingham's Childrens Services have been struggling big time for well over the past 20 years, thereby proving itself resistant to making the desired improvements, despite many changes having been made. Now, it is not unusual for local authorities to be struggling, indeed, it has come to be expected that, as central government increases its expectations and demands of these authorities in safeguarding children, without adequately increasing the funding of them, so they have increasingly found themselves floundering in the sharp infested waters of children's services. Local authorities childrens and adults services are expected to perform miracles. In effect, they are, like Christ, expected to perform the economic or funding equivalent of 'five fish and 2 loaves' miracle, by  providing adequate services for children and vulnerable adults, with decreasing resources. The government wants local authorities to provide more value for less input of resources, including l...

Just Another Llanberis Video

This is another short video of a trip to Llanberis!   It is part of the scenery which you can view as you begin to climb towards Mount Snowdonia, from Llanberis OWOHROD


S haka's home was located on a small recessed plot of land on the side of a hilly terrain, with another family of 4 living in a house on another smaller recessed plot above them, followed by yet another family, and, beyond which you would end up in the uninhabited hills over-looking the village. Just above the property of the family of 4, which included a married couple and their two children, was a road which led back to the main road leading into the village, and which bypassed the home of Shaka’s family’s best family friends, the Davies. This family was comprised of the mother and 3 children, Ed, W, and El two boys and a girl. The older son, Ed, used to go shooting in the hills around the village. Ed was several years older than Shaka, and Shaka remembered him as being a kind, thoughtful and generous person. This was fully reflected in the understandable way in which Ed dealt with a notable incident involving him, Shaka, having stolen Ed's flour and cornmeal. ...


It now appears that Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg have probably not quite kissed each other on the cheeks and made up, but that they have both 'manned up' and made their peace with each other. At least for now. This is clearly the best outcome, and one which we would have expected from family members or good philosophers. Namely that their is a time for 'war' and there is a time for 'peace.' Both drivers belong to the Mercedes Family, and, just as how Toto Wolff is able to be magnanimous and level headed, and blame neither of his charges for the the regrettable incident which has resulted in the unfortunate crash which caused the Team to lose out, but, fortunately, no injuries to either driver or anybody else, so can Rosberg and Hamilton be magnanimous and adult-like.  Which, based on the reported comments from both drivers, is the position they have now adopted. With the air being cleaned, except for the exhaust and fumes of the Monaco track, we sho...

Not Just Another Llanberis Video!

Here is another short video of my Llanberis trip, which I have added some cool music to. Enjoy, if you will!


Isis/Daesh has scored a stunning and daring success against the Syrian Government forces and their Russian and other allies supporting them in the war against the opposition forces in the Syrian proxy and civil war. As well as having reportedly killed upto two hundred people and injuring as many more, the attackers will probably have caused an even greater psychological blow to the people living in the government controlled loyalist areas of the country. People in these areas are now likely to be thinking that, if Isis/Daesh can carry out such devastating and obviously well-planned and executed attacks in the heartlands of loyalist areas, then nowhere in Syria is safe from them and others amongst the opposition forces.  I am reminded of a recent report in which the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia is reported to have threatened that President Assad will be removed from power either through political negotiations or other means. The other 'means' can be taken to mean mi...

A Short Video taken in Llanberis

This is a very short video taken during a trip to Llanberis, Wales, UK. d


Trying to get a clear perspective but being blinded by partisan politics and ideology? The country and people of Venezuela are in an extreme state of stress and volatility, so much so that the country could, at literally any moment, implode. Venezuelans, if we are to believe the reports emanating from and about it, are desperately short of much of the basic necessities of a normal life. There is acute and chronic shortage of food, of power, fuel, personal security and political and economic stability. The country seems to be literally on the precipice and about to fall into the 'black hole' whose gravitational pull is seems to be finding irresistible. Confronted with massive social, economic and political crisis, Venezuelans need a skilful and inspirational leader to get them safely out of this apparently unsolvable catastrophic situation. A situation which which is probably greater than that which  Greece is confronted by, and one which the country does not have any c...


As I see it, life is somewhat different from living. Life is the ability to breathe automatically or assistedly, whereas living describes the range of activities which a person can indulge in and experience, both sensorially and physically. And just as how our ability and capacity to live is influenced by our ability to perceive our external and internal environments, so I believe they are influenced by our 'demands' on the world's physical and intellectual resources. Living is great, for those of us who have eyes which allow us to see, but, naturally, not so great for those of us have have lost our vision after having been blessed with sight to see the beauty of the fauna and flora around us. Yes, living might be not so horrorsome for those of us who are not able to see the devastation of wars and conflicts, but not so great when lack of vision/sight adds to ones obstacles in trying to escape from it. Living might be great for those of us who are able to articulate ou...


S o, what do I mean, when I speak of 'humans as spiritual beings'? Do I mean that humans can manifest themselves as a spiritual, non-mass entity, which, although not being physical, have human features, such as what we humans have come to know as a head, ears, nose, mouth, arms, trunk, torso and legs?  I suspect that when we speak of humans being transformed into spiritual beings, in order to be able to 'live forever', we probably imagine such spiritual entities to look like us, since we want to retain as much of 'our perceived selves' as possible.  We want to remain 'who we are', such as our relationships with dear ones, our families, our close friends, and so forth. After all, how else could we maintain our continuity, if, for those of us who believe in 'life after death',  'we' were to be so radically - except for the physical self - that the consciousness of 'self' were to be lost, or consigned to the 'uncons...