It is the nature of our human psyche that we can do each other terrible harm by either verbally affronting them/us, and/or physically attacking members of our species. Yes, we can also do terrible harm to ourselves by attacking, verbally and/or physically, our loved ones. Of course, being the oftentimes or normally rational beings that we, or most of us humans are, we do not normally automatically mete out retribution to others who offend or even physically attack us. No, where we have some the opportunity to acquire some time to contemplate our response or reaction, we indulge in consideration of the probable reasons why the perpetrator of the offence had done what he/she has done to us or other victims. Yes, we consider the probable motive/s; whether they intended the harm we perceive them to have done to us. The principles of 'motive' and 'intent' are crucial in jurisprudence. We can see the first as helping us to evaluate and understand whether the wro...