In doing some fictionalised post based on people I have had the pleasure of displeasure of meeting on my journey through life. I will naturally be spending more time on those who have displayed our share humanity, than on those who have presented themselves as being grumpy and unsociable, for whatever reasons. One of my favourite walks is to travel along the nearby waterways or canals that are readily accessible to me in my local area. As might be expected, in doing so, I will come across a range of other humans, as well as dogs, fish, ducks, and birds. The humans will include anglers, who enjoy the doing their fishing in the oftentimes still, quiet and sometimes murky waters of the canal. I will also come across cyclists, some of whom will sometimes approach from behind and catch me unawares or alarm me with the shrill ting ling, ling of their cycle bell. I will come across both young and older men and women walking their dogs an...