If I have been told or informed that a certain thing was made and did not happen the way it has come to be believed. And I, for whatever reason/s chose to believe that it actually happened, then that is my choice. If, on the other hand, I have been told or informed that you, G, did impregnate Mary Magdalene, and cause her to give birth to Jesus Christ. And I accept or resolved that I have been given accurate information of what happened. Then, that is deception. And, when that is applied to the Christian religion, to what has come to be characterised as 'Christian Civilisation.' The question it raises is this: Is the Christian religion, the Christian Church, Christian Civilisation, all based on deception and deliberate untruths? G.: And how could any reasonable, any rational person disagree with you on reaching such conclusion, T? Indeed, how could I and on what basis, disagree with you, T? T.: Indeed, G. I mean, where would b...