Of course, to his credit, Kemal Ataturk was a secular 'modernist', including the provision of equal civil and political rights for women, ahead of many European nations. Whereas, President Erdogan, is a 'traditionalist', whose tendency and leadership approach is to turn the clock back on Turkey. Putting the country into reverse, as it were. In this respect, it can hardly be said that President Erdogan is on the same page of progress and enlightenment, as Kemal Ataturk was, even up to his death in 1938. Indeed, the President might be ruing Kemal Ataturk's progressive legacy, in providing free primary education for children. And providing women which the civil and political rights which have contributed toward mading Turks the educationally and politically advanced people they are today. And which makes President Erdogan's attempts to take them back to the past, almost to the pre-Ataturk stage of Turkish nationhood, so much more di...