Sitting in the defendants holding area in the Court No.3, was a young man who had, only two months earlier, began his 20th year of life. And here he was now, looking forward, anxiously, although he gave no real indication of that anxiety, appearing, instead, outwardly, calm and contained, awaiting his sentencing by the court. As he sat, somewhat forlornly in the holding area, guarded by a single prison guard, and in sight of those in the court, the young awaited his fate. Which, at this stage of his life, was to hear how many years of the rest of that life the court, in the form of District Judge G, was going to deprive him of. Through continued incarceration, and, subsequently, through that most unjust of non-custodial imprisonment; the dreaded ‘extended sentence.’ This might have been the culmination of the young man’s life, up to then, but so much had gone on in his life before, as he strayed onto and remained on the precipitous path of half-life, which h...