Llanberis is a small village in Gwynedd, in north Wales, nestling several miles to the north of Mount Snowdonia, which is Wales, and the United Kingdom's highest mountain range, all 1085 metres of it. Llanberis can be accessed along the A4086, and is really the departure point for many of the tourists who visit Mount Snowdonia, as the steam and deisel mountain trains which take them to and from the mountain's summit leave from there. For under £30, one is able to make the 2 1/2 - 1 hour getting to the top, spend 30 minutes admiring the view, and 1 hour getting back - hour return journey to the top of Mount Snodonia. As well as having this major attraction, Llanberis also has several notable attractions which help its visitors to have enjoyable and breath-taking short break holidays there. The attractions include the two local lakes, Llyn Padarn and Llyn Paris, which, as well as providing the visitor with a peaceful and scenic view completed with verdant flora carpe...