

Getting a clearer view of corruption? The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, has recent forcefully stuffed both his feet into his, admittedly, big mouth, by telling the Queen and the Archbishop, and, unbeknown to him at the time, the world, that Nigeria and Afghanistan are the most fantastically corrupt countries. Naturally, the Nigerians were not happy, and their President, Muhammed Buhari, suggested that Britain should return the proceeds of corruption from London back to Nigeria. The Afghans, it seemed, were not as offended as the Nigerians, with their President indicating that his country does accept that corruption is a problem in his country, but that it is something they are working hard to address. It would not be going to far to argue that corruption, whether it be that pertaining to money and or resources being rendered  or given to someone or a business, in order for the giver  and the receiver to acquire some dishonest or illegal advantage, or in situations whe


T his Salome of whom I speak, is  now a physically frail, beautiful Black woman of no less than Ninety-Six (96) years old, but with the soundness of mind and memory recall which could challenge that of her ageing children. Salome is a proud woman afflicted with the degenerative diseases and physical mobility problems which are common to probably most elderly people. She is no longer able to move as swiftly and gracefully as she used to do in her younger years in both her native Jamaica and, later, in her adoptive country of England. T his Salome of whom I speak and whom the gods have given additional years, is now the sole survivor of 12 children, born to Susan Bryan (who was born in the parish of Trelawny) and Charles Allen, in the village of Cascade District, ST Ann, Jamaica. S alome, Aunt Sal, to some of her friends, like probably most Jamaicans and other people of her age and time, did not have the luxury of an easy life. Trained as a Seamstress


H ow things change over time. Some people, probably  especially the younger generations, might not think enough changes have been made, or that it has not been fast enough. but, just under 30 years ago, Britain did not have a single Member of Parliament from her minority ethnic, or, according to contemporary classification, her Black and Minority Ethnic population. W hereas before 1987, there was not a single Black or Brown face amongst the 650 Members of Parliament, today, May 2016, there are 41 BME Members of Parliament, with 27 of them being Labour Party MPs, and 16 belonging to the Conservatives, and one being a Scottish National Party member. A s I have said, for some people, this kind of significant political change might not seem to be large or fast enough, while for others, such as those who fear the increasing demographical diversity of Britain, it might be too much change too fast.  Let us, however, be posit


I t seems to me that there has been an increasing tendency for disaffected people to go onto the streets and call up on their elected governments to remove themselves from office, or to be removed. We have seen this occurring in Europe, particularly in some of the countries from the former Soviet Union, and now, with even greater effect, we have seen it happened in Brazil. W hat is this about; is it not the case that, if the people, the voting electorate, voted the party or parties which form the government, then that government should remain in power until the electorate is again given the opportunity to vote  and decide which party or parties should form the government? I t seems to me that the tendency to given in to populist 'demockeracy' should be discouraged, because, what is the point giving the electorate the privilege of voting, only to have a situation where the expression of their 'democratic rig


This is a video of our garden in Spring, which, as you can see, is still lacking some of the vibrant colours and verdance  which we can expect in the Summer and Autumn of Fall months. I have matched it with an audio tune which I think complements it. I hope you, like me, enjoy it.


There I was with two close friends , having an intense but amicable conversation about many things, but particularly that about what could be termed ‘the meaning of life’ conversation. It began with us considering the comparative merits and demirits of whether a Muslim organization should be allowed to advertise the refrain “Allahu Akbar” on British buses, when a Christian organisation had already been refused the request to have The Lord’s Prayer recited during the interval in Cinemas. Now, Allahu akbar, as I understand it, means that god is great, and is a saying which Muslims utter when they are moved to acknowledge his greatness. The Lords Prayer, or 23 rd Psalms, as I understand it, is the Christian’s acknowledgement of god’s greatness, and their way of thanking him/her for meeting their needs and beseeching of him not to lead them into temptation and deliver them from evil, and so forth. There is, in my view, I informed one of my friend, no difference between the Chr


I have just heard that Brazil's Supreme Court has refused to annul the Lower House's recommendation that President Dilma should be made the subject of impeachment proceedings. This, despite the fact that the Leader of the LH has been suspended, apparently partly because of some concerns about his role in how the House came to recommend that Dilma should be recommended to the Senate for impeachment proceedings, and the fact that his replacement has, initially set aside that recommendation. The Brazilian Senate is now considering and voting on whether the President should be impeached, and, sadly, is expected to vote for impeachment, having already made up their minds to do so. It is clearly another very dark day for Brazil, and one which is likely to be followed by a much darker and long night, which could lead the country back into its past wilderness years. President Dilma Rousseff must not be allowed to fall and set this terrible precedent for Brazil. Brazilians