Labour and the Scottish voters .- So, the British Labour Party has been voted from second party place to third party place by the voters of Scotland. And what should we take from this; that the Labour Party is not doing enough to convince the Scottish voters to vote for it? Well, that might be the case or partly the case; something we are unlikely to know unless the voters are asked what it is that they want for their country. If, for example, more of the Scottish people are being persuaded of the merits of breaking free of their forced 300+ year old union with England, then, voters who had hitherto voted for the British Labour Party, might now have a preference for the Scottish National Party, and vote for them. If this kind of scenario is correct, then the Scottish Conservative Party will, of course, end up becoming a refuge or bastion for those Scots who remain loyal to the Union and will not change their position; come what may. Consequently, the voters might...