The god brigade is at it again. This time, it is the so-called Islamic Defenders' Front, a bigoted Islamic organisation in Indonesia, led by one Rizieq Shihab, which is at it. It is trying to get the Indonesian Government to arrest and put on trial the Governor of Jakarta, Mr Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, who happens to be a Christian. His alleged crime being that he has insulted the Quran, and is, ipso facto, being accused of that dreaded myth, 'blasphemy.' Needless to say that I do not believe in the concept or practice of 'blasphemy', probably because I am fortunate enough to live in an enlightened country in which you are allowed to curse the gods, and, even more, those who seek to ride the gods and their, man-made religions, to political power. But not so for Mr Purnaman, whom the gods have fated to be born and live in Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country on the earth. It has been his misfortune to be a Christian in such a country. Probably having ...