T.: Well, yes, G. That is my belief, which, as you also know, is why I am having this imaginary conversation with you; an imaginary God. One in which I have taken it upon myself, as have the prophets and theologians, both past and present, to both speak to and about you. As well as providing the answers I believe or would want you to give to my questions. G.: Mmmm. Is that not questionable, T? That a human should be speaking for the one your species have designated to be your God? T.: Well, yes, it is, G, but it has its benefits and advantages? G.: Really, T? Do you mind enlightening or, if you presume that I already know what they are, restating them for those who might not be privy to them? T.: Well, G.! The advantages of one speaking for you, is that, as I have indicated, they can always frame 'the right answers' to their questions or queries. They can do so with the feeling of security that you, G, will never contradict them or what...