
Showing posts from September 11, 2022


  And so it is that, as the elaborate and regal arrangements were being completed for the burial of most probably the longest reigning Monarch in at least modern times.  Following the death of HRH, Queen Elizabeth, did I find myself reflecting and contemplating on strange familiarity of this thing or state called death. How, I ask myself, can us humans be consistently taken so low, by its, death's reoccurrence, when it is so common, so certain and so inevitable 🤔.  How, when we cannot ever experience or reflect on the death of others, be they close or far from us, in proximity or degrees of relationship, without pondering our own pending and inescapable demise, or that oof our loved ones🤔 Why, we could or might ask ourselves, are or should we be so disheartened, when we know only too well that this thing, death, is a fate, a state which we must all endure as a necessary and unavoidable consequence of having attained this thing called life🤔 Should we not have or be deve...