

B ritain's Formula 1 driver, Lewis Hamilton, has been having a very torrid time since towards the end of the 2015 Formula 1 season. The very popular driving ace has had at least 7 Ground Grix races without having the good fortune to convert any of them into a win; something which both he and his fans might be finding unbearable. L ewis has not, so far this year, been blessed with a reliable car, and has had to watch his rival and stable mate, Rosberg, zooming off into the distance and winning 7 consecutive Grand Prix. Just as how Lewis has not been able to get into the winning stream, so has Nico Rosberg  found it impossible to straw out of it. Nico has grown into becoming a competent and consistent challenger to his Mercedes' team mate. W hile being undoubtedly frustrated and peeved off, to his credit, Lewis has been able to consistently take his repeated misfortune with his car failures on the chin, and kept his


Death comes to every living things, including humans, so it is not surprising that we should contemplate our destiny or what becomes of us after we make the transition from being alive to being dead or unalive. Physiologically, we can see the result of death or the state of being unalive. It is characterised by the body being lifeless, grey, with the person's vital organs and life functions being  shut down and no breathing taking place. Of course, there are times when their is no body to observe, as is the case when the cause of death, such as in an earthquake, explosion, etc, literally destroys a person's body. Not to everyone is given the merit of demerit  of dying peacefully in their bed or in an hospital or hospice ward. Normally, when a person dies he/she is usually buried or cremated. With burial, the body takes a longer period of time to become physically destroyed and return, over time, literally to inorganic matter, as it is consumed by other life forms who


Labour and the Scottish voters .- So, the British Labour Party has been voted from second party place to third party place by the voters of Scotland.  And what should we take from this; that the Labour Party is not doing enough to convince the Scottish voters to vote for it?  Well, that might be the case or partly the case; something we are unlikely to know unless the voters are asked what it is that they want for their country. If, for example, more of the Scottish people are being persuaded of the merits of breaking free of their forced 300+ year old union with England, then, voters who had hitherto voted for the British Labour Party, might now have a preference for the Scottish National Party, and vote for them. If this kind of scenario is correct, then the Scottish Conservative Party will, of course, end up becoming a refuge or bastion for those Scots who remain loyal to the Union and will not change their position; come what may.  Consequently, the voters might not have vote


If only the combatants could sit and talk and make peace. The proxy and civil war in Syria has now been raging for just over 5 years, during which time several hundred thousands of Syrians have been killed, many more injured, and millions have been displaced in the country and even more have left it as migrants to other countries bordering it and away from it. The war has been raging between the Syrian Government and the myriad of opposition forces, and their respective allies. The Government forces are augmented by their Iranian, Hezbollah and Russian allies, while the opposition forces are being supported by their respective allies, such as the Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the Sunni Gulf States, the United States, some of the NATO countries, and some of the states in the Middle East. Various reasons and rationale have been given for this war of attrition between the Government and the Opposition forces, but more often than not, it has been characterised as a struggle between Sun


The results of the local government elections in Scotland seems to have concluded with the Conservative Party, the party forming the current British Government, has made gains at the expense of the British Labour Party, with the latter now becoming the third, as opposed to the second largest political party in a politically vibrant Scotland. This is clearly something which should concern the Labour Party, as one might have expected the Tories to be less favourable than Labour, amongst the Scots, and vote accordingly. Clearly an outcome which should please the Tories, and dismay the Labourites. The initial projections of the local government elections in England seems to suggest that, overall, Labour has lost more seats than it has gained, but that the losses are not on such a scale as to warrant them being considered a disaster or very bad outcome for the Labour Party, under its new leader, Jeremy Corbyn. One projection, in The Guardian newspaper, seems to suggest that


After having some rather nondescript days, with the  appearing to be confused about what it should be doing, today has transpired to be a beautify, sunny day, with just the correct mix of Sun, breezy and humidity. And so I decided to make the best of it and went for a long walk in the fields and amongst the woods. This is a short video of what I could see from one vantage point. Enjoy, if you will, and may your day be equally or more enjoyable.


The grass might be greener on the other side, but the obstacle has to be overcome. The battle for the White House is now drawing towards the penultimate stage, with the Republicons having selected or having the electorate of the primaries selected their man for the Presidential Candidate. Donald Trump has spectacularly defeated his 'establishment' rivals, and, in so doing, has forced the Republicon Party hierarchy to legitimise his candidacy and get the last of Trump's rivals to stand down. The likes of Ted Cruz and Kasich will have, at least privately, been advised to give up their torturous and embarrassing campaigns, in the interest of party unity.  They would have been told that they cannot win, and that the money being spent on their futile campaigns could be used to support Trump's campaign against Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, and, eventually, the Republicons against the Democratic Party. A marriage or alliance of expediency has been forged between