Being Indian, probably only comes second place to many, if not most Indians, when it comes to their religion. 

Consider the 'Cow protectors', who have declared their willingness to kill other Indians, in their  effort to protect the 'so-called sacred cow? 

Such is the utter madness to which religious extremism can drive people! 

How can these Hindu extremists be so callous as to place the lives of cows above that of humans? 

This is the same false logic, the putting of religious doctrine and customs above the lives of other who do not belong to their 'god and religious beliefs'.

Which is placing India at risk of what has been euphimistically called 'mob violence', but is actually acts of mindless terrorism.

While humans continue to pay undue homage to the past, we will forever be denied the realisation of the promise of a future which is better than the now incongruously preserved past. 

This is as axiomatic and true of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, as it is of any other country and nation of the world. 

Unfortunately, it will take these countries and nations several hundred year more, for them to break through the barnacles of the backward tugging aspects of their religions and traditions.

In the meantime, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are having their futures compromised by the fact that.  The religious and traditional beliefs of their  populations, is still largely unaffected by the more inclusivist philosophy which is driving the countries' industrialisation and urbanisation.  

Something which is changing to slowly for the change to gather enough momentum to escape the gravitational pull of the traditions and beliefs which are holding back their enlightenment.


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