At a time when the 'enlightened', intellectually and socially liberated souls of the West. Have become fearful of some of the challenges posed by some of the new immigrants from the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
Including their religious, cultural and societal orthodoxy and traditional and way of life.
There is, therefore, this mismatch between, on the one hand, the governments in the west, especially in Europe and America.
Taking action to ensure increased secularisation of new, and more religiously fundamentalistic immigrants. While on the other hand, there is this resurgence of puritanicalism within powerful sections of societies in the west.
All of this, of course, considered in the context of the more puritanicalism which is blighting the West, raises the question.
Why bother to pursue the 'secularisation' and inculcation of 'Western values of 'tolerance,' of 'enlightenment,' and 'individualism,' onto the new immigrants.
When there are those amongst the elites and the populists activists in the West, who are busily trying to take us back to the terrible and oppressive puritanical past?
Yes, why not just embrace the 'traditionalistic', the dreaded 'old fashioned' values and customs of the immigrants?
Which has been perceived as posing such a serious threat to the 'more enlightened Western culture.' At least, prior to this current attack from the 'latter day puritans.'
Yes, let us return to women dressing 'more modestly', turning down their 'sex appeal.'
Giving less consideration to 'attracting the man of their dream.' Less attention to finding the man who will be able to provide for them and keep them safe - safe from the attention, the depravity even, of other men.
To be continued!