It is unlikely that things were ever getting better. But, at least the Palestinians were alive, they had their homes, their roads, water, electricity, the basic requirements for having at least a basic life.
They had more freedom of movement in their 'reservations' than they have now, with the storm troopers crawling over and around them as so many wasps.
So, yes, it is likely that, for the majority of Palestinians who are being forced to pay the price the Zionist Israeli State has decided to extract from them, the attack of 7th October might be considered to have been a tactical mistake by Hamas and the other Resistance Fighters.
And yet, it could be the case that the overall and eventual outcome of the attack for the Palestinian people will be a positive one.
It has broken the then impasse, the stalemate in progressing the realisation of a sovereign and viable Palestinian State.
It has forced the nations and international organisations, ordinary people of the world to take notice and be reminded of the fact that Zionist "Israel and its main US and European allies, have been 'burying' the Palestinian Issue."
A situation which Zionist Israel and the United States have been exploiting to make further changes to 'the facts on the ground.'
Such the Americans moving their Embassy to Jerusalem, and the government of Israel increasing the amount of land they steal from the Palestinians, and planting more Jewish settlers.
Israel has also used the removal of "the Palestinian Issue" from 'the international agenda', to 'pull or degrade the fangs' of Middle East nations such as Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt, and negotiate economic and diplomatic agreements with them
This, I believe, had broken the impasse and, again, I believe, more likely to bring about better, eventual results than the previously existing political and diplomatic stalemate and Western apathy.
Even in the face of Israel having declared, if not starting to build new illegal settlements, and breaking the previous status of East Jerusalem.
To be continued!