So, returning to the issue of having children. I think that it was always in my life-scrip or fate to having children, which is why I have had 3.
Of course, when I was thinking of and even taking it for granted that I would have children, and, ipso facto, that I would be in a relationship with a woman or women.
It had not at that stage of my journey dawned on me that I would have gotten to a philosophical level of concluding that, were I to have the opportunity to live my life again, I would not have children.
Why, because I have come to the realisation that, except for the survival prerogative of maintaining our human species, there really is no benefit for for my children.
Or, if there is, the benefits of deriving whatever happiness or joy they have and/or will have, does not outweigh the dis-benfit or unhappiness of living a life while waiting to die.
It makes no sense, because if they had not been born, they would not have existed and have to endure pain and pleasure, as it were.
But these are not the kind of consideration that preoccupies a young man or woman' mind when they are contemplating 'starting their own family.'
Having 'your own children', and 'being the best daddy and mummy.' Of dressing them up nicely and caring for them like the 'best parents' would do.
Neither will you necessarily give too much thought to the challenges of caring for babies and young children.
Of how you are going to manage when the baby, for reason/s seemingly beyond your perception, is distress and refuses to stop crying and driving tired you to absolute desperation.
Or how to care for a sick baby or young child and manage your anxieties and even feelings of guilt over your powerlessness to heal your child.
To be continued!